
Planes para los amantes de los animales

By | 26 March, 2016 | 0 comments

Small oasis for animal life emerge in the middle of the asphalt, habitats created by man where different creatures seem to accommodate themselves. One of them is La Gatoteca (Calle Argumosa, 28), a space dedicated to the feline universe where you can enjoy the company of these animals while you have a cup of coffee or tea and ponder whether to adopt one or not.

All of these cats have had some sort of problem, whether it’s an injury or a malformation, and have had a harder time than healthy ones finding a home. While they wait to find a proper home, they will spend a nice time with you in this place, which also has a gift shop with presents for the cats and that also organises activities, talks and workshops revolving around these animals.

Without leaving the city, the Natural Science Museum is a classic museum where you can see huge dinosaur skeletons and taxidermal elephants and birds of all kinds. It’s a fantasy universe that treasures many values, such as being one of the city’s oldest museums, since its foundation date goes back to 1771, almost fifty years older than Museo del Prado. They programme different temporary exhibitions, like the current one dedicated to the Earth “A rich ecosystem full of life, in continuous movement”, which ends on March 31st. Check the details here to plan your visit.

More plans for the world of animals (and plants!), albeit outside the city: Safari Madrid. Rhinoceroses, elephants, giraffes, hippos, zebras… Mother Nature’s most representative animals and many more surprises. Recently, a caiman was born in the safari for everyone to see! Tickets cost 18 euros for adults and 14 euros for children. The best way to access it is with a private vehicle, since it’s 30 miles from Madrid; or by bus to Aldea del Fresno (bus 548 from Príncipe Pío). Enjoy your day out!

Categories: Madrid Ocio

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