
Chestnuts in Madrid

By | 15 September, 2022 | 0 comments

September marks the end of summer and the city of Madrid is gradually waking up from the lethargy of August. The streets are filling up, the traffic is slowly returning, and everything is going back to normal.

Autumn is making an appearance with the early sunsets and the usual traditions are getting ready to begin. One of these traditions are chestnut stalls.

The smell of chestnuts has always been characteristic of Madrid’s winters. Stalls such as those on Príncipe Pío, Sol and Callao have brought happiness to so many families throughout its history, because if there is one thing that stands out about the chestnut profession, it is that it is passed down from generation to generation.

It is a seasonal profession, but one that is often combined with other work that can be done during the summer period, such as selling ice cream (which is actually becoming less seasonal).

Climate change, which seems to be unstoppable, is causing much warmer winters. This is having an impact on chestnut growers, who are finding that their working months are becoming much shorter because people don’t tend to buy chestnuts when it is not cold.

However, apart from street stalls, nature lovers also have the chance to follow the famous chestnut route, bordering the provinces of Ávila and Toledo. It is a circular route of 9 km, suitable for all ages, where you can see and experience the largest chestnut grove in the Community of Madrid, located in the village of Rozas de Puerto Real.

The chestnut, which is considered a nut, is very rich in nutrients. It has benefits for the skin, brain and heart, and it even improves sleep, making it a very popular and healthy treat.

Categories: Madrid Turismo