
Discover the castles and fortresses of the Region of Madrid

By | 26 May, 2020 | 0 comments

Madrid never sleeps and the region is looking to offer options for when life is back to normal and day trips out of the city are on the cards again.

So, until this happens, the Ministry of Tourism has proposed a journey back to the Middle Ages by visiting the region’s castles and fortresses until they can be seen in real life, including dramatised tours.


So, users can now download the Guide to the Castles of Madrid and find out about their construction and their role in the region’s history. The guide includes:

  1. Castillo de Manzanares El Real. This is one of the best-preserved castles in the region and welcomes many visitors every year, who also like to explore its surroundings. Construction was started in the sixteenth century by the First Duque del Infantado, Diego Hurtado de Mendoza, and was finished by his son, Íñigo López de Mendoza, who used one of the architects of the Catholic Monarchs. In addition to its architectural appeal, this castle has manicured gardens and a maze, an orchard with medicinal plants, and a recreational area where workshops and activities are held.
  2. Fortified Site of Buitrago del Lozoya. The climb to these walls when visiting Buitrago is a must. The wonderfully preserved site, built by the Moors, is thought to date back to the eleventh and twelfth centuries. During the tour you can also see an exhibition of weapons from the time.
  3. Keep of the Castillo de Villarejo de Savanés. This tower is one of the main attractions of the village of Villarejo and currently houses the tourist office. It dates back to the Moorish period, although some historians point to the Roman period, and it was used by the Christians during the Spanish Reconquest. At the top, there are stunning views of this Madrid village.


Categories: Madrid Cultura