
Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week

By | 6 September, 2011 | 0 comments

For the second time this year, fashion comes back to Madrid, after February Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week turns the capital of Spain into an international shop-window.

IFEMA, the exhibition site in Madrid, will become a fashion catwalk between the 16th – 20th of September 2011. This fashion show will present all the new tendencies for spring and summer 2012.

The exhibition will have two main catwalks, Sala Cibeles and Sala Neptuno. On these catwalks the audience will be able to enjoy the most provocative and innovative creations by Elisa Palomino or Agatha Ruiz de la Prada and others.El recinto contará con dos escenarios, dos pasarelas denominadas Sala Cibeles y Sala Neptuno por las que desfilarán las más modernas, provocativas e innovadores creaciones de Elisa Palomino o Agatha Ruiz de la Prada, entre otros.

También estarán presentes gurús del diseño como Victorio & Lucchino, Adolfo Domínguez, Hannibal Laguna y Jesús del Pozo, habituales ya en esta fiesta de la moda que lleva medio siglo proyectando su luz desde Madrid hacia el resto del mundo.

Además, la primera jornada de la Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week se dedicará a los diseñadores emergentes, a jóvenes creativos algo más radicales que no suelen tener su propio espacio expositivo. La pasarela El Ego de Cibeles permitirá a estas mentes inquietas tener algo de visibilidad a nivel nacional e internacional.

Entre estos nuevos nombres figuran los de Alba Cardalda o Alberto Puras, entre otros.


Victorio & Lucchino, Adolfo Domínguez, Hannibal Laguna and Jesús del Pozo will also be present in the show. These designers are already regulars of this show that has been projecting the fashion from Madrid to the rest of the wold.

However, the first day of the Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week will be a space for new comers to design, for young creative designers who would not normally have their own space. The catwalk Ego Cibeles will give the chance for those clever minds to find their place at national and international level. Some of the new names are Alba Cardalda or Alberto Puras.

Categories: Madrid Cultura, Madrid Eventos, Madrid Ocio, Madrid Turismo

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