

La Puerta de Toledo, historia y origen

By | 21 July, 2014 | 0 comments

Puerta de Toledo

The Gate of Toledo is one of the five royal gates in Madrid, alongside Alcalá, Atocha, Segovia and San Fernando. Remember that the city had a wall and access to it was controlled through fifteen gates and passes that were open during the day and closed at night.

In fact, Read full article

Categories: Madrid Turismo

Consejos para vivir las fiestas de La Paloma como un auténtico madrileño

By | 30 June, 2014 | 0 comments

If you come to Madrid in mid-August you are in luck because you will be able to enjoy the most traditional and typical side of the city with La Paloma Festival, even more so if you stay in our hotel, which is located less than a mile away from the centre of the party. Read full article

Categories: Madrid Eventos, Madrid Turismo

Madrid Río, un corredor verde de 10 kilómetros

By | 18 June, 2014 | 0 comments

Madrid Río, por La Citta Vita

From the origins of the city, the people of Madrid have gone to the banks of the Manzanares river on their holidays. The prime example of that is the Pradera de San Isidro, a prairie that fills up every year with people dressed in traditional costumes as part of the local festivals.

However, in the last few decades, Read full article

Categories: Madrid Turismo

Si te gusta lo vintage, amarás el Rastro

By | 10 June, 2014 | 0 comments

Día de Rastro en Madrid, por Juan Antonio Flores

Velvet books, old radios, stamps, classic furniture that has seen better days… if you are into antiques and you fancy yourself as a bargain hunter, you cannot miss out on the chance to spend a Sunday morning at El Rastro.

Also, it is just 5 minutes away from our hotel, so laziness or lack of time are not good enough excuses. Read full article

Categories: Madrid Turismo