
Navidad de ocio en Madrid

By | 20 December, 2011 | 0 comments

Christmas is a special time everywhere, but it seems that Madrid knows how to live it. Although decorations and Christmas lights are up from the end of November, Christmas will start properly on the 24th and in Spain it goes on till the 6th of January, when everybody will celebrate the arrival of the Three Wise Men. The parades that take over the whole of the city of the 5th of January mark the beginning of the end of the season of joy, with the family celebration of the 6th and children opening their presents.

All throughout December and the beginning of January, there is a multitude of events and shows for the whole family. Starting with Christmas circus in Teatro Price in  Ronda de Atocha, 35. This theatre will offer a beautiful show with different performances across the whole circus range, including the company Habana from Cuba who will be showing off their balance exercises, as well as Duo Guerrero from Portugal walking on a wire and The Flying Nikolaeva all the way from Russia jumping off in the air. There will be artists from Japan and China showing off their best skills and of course, there will also be some clowns, this time from Spain.A lo largo de diciembre y principios de enero hay una multitud de eventos y espectáculos para toda la familia. Por ejemplo en el Teatro Circo Price, en la Ronda de Atocha, 35.

El teatro ofrece un espectáculo muy hermoso con diferentes actuaciones, como por ejemplo la Compañía Habana llegada desde Cuba que muestra sus ejercicios de equilibrio, el Duo Guerrero de Portugal que camina sobre un alambre y The Flying Nikolaeva, que llegados desde Rusia vuelan por el aire.

Habrá artistas de Japón y China mostrando sus mejores habilidades y por supuesto, también habrá algunos payasos, esta vez de España.

¡Y si te vas a quedar hasta el 6 de enero, puedes ir a Plaza del Sol para saludar a los Reyes Magos y sus camellos!

And if you are staying up to the 6th of January, then go to Plaza del Sol on the 5th to say hello to the Three Wise Men and their camels.


Categories: Madrid Ocio

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