
Millesime 2011

By | 17 October, 2011 | 0 comments

The Exhibition Centre at the Casa de Campo in Madrid will host from 19th to 21st of October Millesime 2011, a great gastronomical fair that normally gathers the best national and international restaurant specialist, with prestigious and high level chefs.

The event is an open one, that is to say that it’s not just for professionals but also for the general public who wishes to become acquainted with new culinary trends and try all the new delicious special dishes that will be prepared on site.

For this occasion, the fifth edition of this show celebrated in Madrid, chefs like Paco Pérez, Fernando Canales or Paco Roncero will show off their new culinary creations to all visitors that come to the different stands.En esta cita, que por quinta ocasión se celebra en la capital de España, cocineros como Paco Pérez, Fernando Canales o Paco Roncero mostrarán sus nuevas obras de arte culinarias a todos los visitantes que se acerquen hasta los diferentes stands.

Los almuerzos organizados en la feria se servirán de 14:30 a 17:00 horas durante las tres jornadas en tres grandes comedores, con una capacidad total para unos 800 comensales aproximadamente.

Quienes no deseen una comida tan pausada pueden acudir al Open Bar, abierto de 13:00 a 15:00 horas, para degustar una de las elaboradas tapas elaboradas por los más prestigiosos restauradores del mundo.

Millesime 2011 cuenta con una espectacular ambientación y calles temáticas dedicadas a los productos estrella como el jamón, el vino, la cerveza o los combinados.






The fair will also serve lunches between 2.30pm till 5pm for the three days in three big dining rooms, with space for 800 people approximately.

Those who don’t want to enjoy such a long meal can go to the Open Bar instead, which opens from 1pm till 3pm, to enjoy one of those elaborate tapas prepared by the most prestigious chefs in the world.

Millesime 2011 has a wonderful themed decor as well as themed streets dedicated to the main products like ham, wine, beer or cocktails.

Categories: Madrid Eventos

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