
Eugène Delacroix, en CaixaForum Madrid

By | 18 October, 2011 | 0 comments

This is one of the main exhibitions of the year, one of the most anticipated because of its quality and its artistic relevance. On 19th October 2010 CaixaForum Madrid inaugurates the new show Eugène Delacroix, that will stay open in Madrid until 15th of January 2012.

La Caixa is a foundation that supports culture and art, its Obra Social has gathered a great number of the works by the French painter who has been labelled as one of the prime examples of Romanticism.

The cultural space of La Caixa is in Paseo del Prado, 36, and represents the fourth great pillar of the famous Art Promenade or Paseo del Arte, the other three being Prado Museum, the modern art museum Reina Sofia and Thyssen-Bosnemisza.

Admission is free and this exhibition will be open every day, from Monday to Sunday, between 10am-8pm. The building is disabled accessible and there are also a bookshop and a café for those people who want to spend some time relaxing or buy a book.El espacio cultural de La Caixa se encuentra situado en el Paseo del Prado número 36 y conforma el cuarto pilar del famoso Paseo del arte, integrado por los museo de El Prado, Reina Sofía y Thyssen-Bosnemisza.

La entrada es gratuita y la muestra estará abierta al público todos los días, de lunes a domingo, de 10:00 a 20:00 horas. El recinto es accesible para personas con discapacidad física y ademas cuenta con librería y cafetería para aquellas persona interesadas en disfrutar de un rato de ocio o adquirir algún libro.

Este evento se realiza gracias a la colaboración con el Museo del Louvre y cuenta con valiosas piezas cedidas por el Metropolitan de Nueva York y la National Gallery de Londres.

Entre los importantes óleos que podrán admirar destaca Las mujeres de Argel en su aposento, una de las creaciones más famosas del artista.




La Caixa has collaborated with the Louvre Museum to run this exhibition, some pieces in the exhibition are on loan from the Metropolitan Museum in New York and the National Gallery in London.

Among the most important paintings are The Women of Algiers (In Their Apartment), one of the most famous creations of the artist.

Categories: Madrid Cultura

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