
The Collegiate Church of San Isidro, one of Madrid’s great heritage sites

By | 27 April, 2022 | 0 comments

Semana Santa (Easter) in Spain is famous all over the world. This religious period, although it is also celebrated in other European countries, is one of the most popular events among visitors in Spain, because of the good weather and the processions.

Places such as Seville, Malaga, Toledo and Zamora attract a multitude of people who want to enjoy a unique and genuine way of experiencing Semana Santa. It is true that in some cities in the south of Italy, with Spanish influence, also take their floats out onto the streets, but it is not as significant as it is here.

In Madrid, churches are full over this period and if there is one that stands out, apart from the Church of Jesús de Medinaceli, it is the Collegiate Church of San Isidro.

Located on Calle Toledo, near La Latina, it was Madrid’s first cathedral until 1992, when it was superseded by the Almudena.

Built in 1622 by the Society of Jesus, this church houses part of the remains of San Isidro and his wife, Santa María de la Cabeza. Inside, there are also different chapels with images reminiscent of Andalusia, such as a replica of the Virgen de la Esperanza Macarena, the Virgen de los Reyes and Jesús de Gran Poder, which are also highly venerated in the capital and are taken out during the procession. This is also the home of the Hermandad de la Macarena y el Gran Poder, founded by Sevillians living in Madrid.

During the Civil War, the Collegiate of San Isidro was burnt down and restoration work had to be carried out to ensure that it remained as one of the city’s best-loved churches.

Although it may be difficult to admire as a whole because it is integrated into a line of buildings, both the inside and the dome reveal its majesty and beauty.

Categories: Madrid Cultura