
The Gran Teatro Bankia Príncipe Pío opens its doors

By | 6 March, 2020 | 0 comments

A new entertainment centre has opened in the capital, and it has drummed up high expectations. The Gran Teatro Bankia Príncipe Pío was preparing to raise its curtain for the first time in late February.

This theatre is in the old Estación del Norte (“North Station”), a unique 19th century construction designed by the engineers Biarez, Grasset and Ouliac. Subsequent restoration works have preserved the original pieces, including the stairs and nine lamps that evoke a wonderful sense of grandeur.

This new theatre aims to turn into a modern cultural and artistic centre that attracts all kinds of people. Thus, its 7,000 m2, which include space for up to 1,200 seats, will be used to perform many different genres, from classical theatre to modern dance.

It also has a 3,000 m2 outdoor esplanade where several concerts are planned for the summer.

But if one thing in particular has raised expectations it’s not only the cultural offering, but its innovative character, as the first artist to take the stage is going to be none other than María Callas.

680x370.1That’s right. María Callas, the opera singer who passed away in 1977 and forever changed the face of opera. The soprano will perform onstage in a way we are going to have to get used to: via a hologram.

Callas in Concert is the name of the show you can watch at the station theatre until 21 March and that will bring together 20 musicians in a great orchestra. After having crossed the main cities of the world, including New York, Paris, Athens and Merlin, María Callas now lands in Madrid to transform the theatre of tomorrow with a daring and innovative proposal.

(Web photograph

Categories: Madrid Cultura