
The Year of the Rat

By | 6 February, 2020 | 0 comments

January ended the way it always does: by welcoming the Chinese New Year.ano_nuevo_chino_2020

Along with the several activities, the celebrations ended with the traditional parade in the neighbourhood of Usera, where both the Chinese population and Spaniards who love the Asian Giant’s culture carried out performances and danced to those sounds that until not long ago sounded very distant indeed.

This year, the celebrations were slightly eclipsed both by the rainy weather and the fast spread of the so-called coronavirus through the city of Wuhan, which led to social alarm among the Chinese population and the rest of the world.

Only one case has been detected in Spain after having flown under the radar for several weeks in January, but this has been reason enough for some people to stay at home, thinking “better safe than sorry.”

In any case, celebrations or no celebrations, this year is the Year of the Rat. Even though in Spain and the rest of Europe – and probably in America too – rats are synonymous with dirt, these rodents are perceived very differently in the far East, especially in China.

The rat symbolises love and prosperity and although people born in a Rat year will be happy because this will be their lucky year, as with all astral affairs, at the end of the day it all depends on ones actions – with a dash of chance thrown into the mix.

The Chinese New Year celebrations have been extended until the first weekend of February, having filled every last corner or Madrid with smiles thanks to the delights of Chinese culture, gastronomy, dances and traditions.

(Photo of the poster for the Chinese New Year celebrations in Madrid, 2020)

Categories: Madrid Cultura