
En bici por Madrid

By | 29 August, 2014 | 0 comments

bicimadMadrid is now like many other European cities since it can boast having a bicycle rental service. It was a project that was born as an alternative to contaminating forms of transport, so the BiciMad bicycles were put at the public’s disposal in spring of 2014. In this first phase, the project has 1560 bikes spread all over the city, especially in the centre.

There are two modes of use: one for yearly subscribers and another one for the temporary user. The latter can acquire his card in each of the bicycle stations, in the towers or totems that are enabled for that. There, he can buy a card for one, three or five days, according to his needs, and he will be charged depending on the use he made of it.

Like they do with pay-and-display car parks, the tariffs depend on the time of use, and are as follows: 0.50€ for the first 30 minutes and 0.60€ for every 30 minutes after that. After two hours, it costs 4 euros per hour, so it is particularly useful for short travels.

On the website they offer a map with all the pick-up and drop-off places for the bicycle, of which there are many and well spread in the city, from Atocha to Chamberí in the north and from Argüelles to the Salamanca district across Madrid. Once the bicycle has been taken, you can use it to go from A to B or to go on rides on large recreational areas such as the parks of El Retiro or Oeste. Madrid Rio, with its wide bicycle lanes following the river Manzanares, is another magnificent option to enjoy BiciMad.

Do not forget that these are bicycles made with electronic technology that, when pedalling, they reduce your effort considerably and help overcome some of the many hills that are present on the streets of the Spanish capital.

At the moment, they are only available for yearly subscribers but a temporary-client programme will be implemented in the next few months so that tourists can also enjoy this service. There is a BiciMad station just a few yards from our charming hotel in the centre of Madrid, where you can pick up or drop off these handy public bicycles.

Categories: Madrid Turismo

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