
Animales y faraones en CaixaFórum

By | 2 May, 2015 | 0 comments

Animales y faraonesCaixaForum in Madrid is a museum of great interest. It all starts with the vertical garden on its façade and with its architecture, built in an old factory that used to be the former Mediodía Power Plant.

Then, you have the exhibitions, all of them temporary since CaixaForum does not have a permanent collection. Its exhibitions are always stimulating and original, such as the latest one called Animals and Pharaohs, the Animal Kingdom in Ancient Egypt. This exhibition shows the role and place, sometimes of privilege, that animals had during the times of the pharaohs, when they became a pillar of religious culture. They were also important in art, where their representation in papyri and bas-reliefs was abundant and reverential.

Throughout its more than 400 items, you can see this unique relationship between animals and humans in objects such as sculptures, vases, jars, watercolour paintings, paintings, sarcophagi, mummies, statues and sphinxes. It is an immersion into ancient Egyptian culture through art which will fascinate lovers of this enigmatic ancient culture. The exhibition is commissioned by Hélène Guichard, of the Louvre Museum in Paris.

Up until the 31st of May you can see the exhibition The most important thing: portraits of an escape, which shows, in an original way, the drama of refugees that have to flee their homes in search for a peaceful place to live in. What items do you take with you in such circumstances? The exhibition includes 24 witnesses portrayed by Brian Sokol in the delicate moment when they forcefully had to abandon their homes. This is a reflection on the fragility of peace and the adhesion to our homes as well as the objects that are part of them.

Entrance tickets cost 4 euros and it open from 10.00am until 8.00pm. It is free for La Caixa customers. In May, the museum is open every day and has days when entrance is free, such as the 15th and the 18th. On the 16th, it opens until midnight and entrance is free from 7.00pm until 12.00am.

Enjoy the best leisure options in Madrid by staying at Hotel Puerta de Toledo. We are in the heart of the city, a stone’s throw from La Latina and El Rastro, very close also to major points of interest like Plaza Mayor or Palacio Real.


Categories: Madrid Cultura, Madrid Eventos

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