
Viaje al centro del Reina Sofía

By | 4 January, 2015 | 0 comments

museo reina sofiaYou have to go to the Reina Sofía Museum without any previous references. Go there and let yourself be surprised and choose at random any of its ever-stimulating exhibitions. However, if one prefers to skip this suggestion, they can follow these clues on some of the most enjoyable exhibitions on show now in this great centre of art.

One of them, which can be seen well into spring, is the one dedicated to the Alicante-born artist Daniel G. Andújar (1966), an outstanding example of what is known as Net-Art, an artistic expression that questions the democratising power that new technologies have given to modern society.

Under the title Operating System, it is an exhibition that gathers the work of Andújar of these last 20 years, among which we highlight Technologies to the People, a visionary installation since it sensed a future in which the people would give up so much personal information that it could become the arrival of Big Brother, predicted by the great visionary that was George Orwell. It is greatly related to current affairs, because these are times in which social networks seem to bring freedom to the people but with equal measure of monitoring of these movements.

To relax the left hemisphere of the brain after this conceptual density, we recommend the visit to this other temporary exhibition (until April 12th) with the sculptures of Luciano Fabro (Italy, 1936-2007), considered an eminence in the Arte Povera movement. Fabro was one of the renovators of tradition who expanded the limits of sculpture as an artistic expression. We can easily see the metaphoric capacity of his works, which is clear in his series Italia, in which he paints a fine portrait of his country in modern times. In an almost obsessive manner we can see the figure of the boot (the shape of the Italian peninsula) in many different representations albeit hanging upside down or lying on the ground. Seeing reality through new points of view is something that is as healthy as it is enriching.

Hotel Puerta de Toledo is ideal to stay in Madrid if we are coming to enjoy these exhibitions. We are just a 20-minute walk from the Reina Sofía Museum and on Sundays we have El Rastro Market halfway there, in case you want to stop and check it out on the way.

Categories: Madrid Cultura

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