
Propuestas gratuitas en Madrid

By | 4 August, 2014 | 0 comments

Museo Thyssen MadridAlways aware of the timetables and days of the exhibition, the traveller will find days and time slots when it is free to enter museums to see its exhibitions. The Thyssen Museum, for example, allows access to its permanent exhibitions on Mondays from midday onwards and to the exhibitions of the Miradas Cruzadas programme on the rest of the days. Temporary exhibitions, such as the current one Mitos del Pop, “Pop music legends”, cost the price of a standard ticket, except for special groups such as journalists with accreditation.

A lesser known museum but yet one set in a large building in the Moncloa area is the Museo de América, which opens its doors for free every Sunday. Now, you can enjoy exhibitions such as Yawar Fiesta until the 31st of August, one of the most emblematic festivals in Inca culture.

The Museo del Traje, the costume museum, is not too far from the aforementioned Museo de América, and it is free to go in every Saturday from 2pm and on the whole of Sunday. Also, it is free to enter every weekday from 7pm. Also interesting is a visit to the Museum Lázaro Galdiano, on the end of Calle Serrano (number 122). Privately owned, it holds a large and highly valuable collection of artists such as Goya, Murillo, Zurbarán or Luis Paret, and it is free every day except on Tuesdays from 3.30pm and Sundays from 2pm.

CaixaForum used to be free but now it is free only for clients of the La Caixa bank that owns it. And so the Mapfre Foundation remains as one of the few foundations, alongside the Juan March Foundation, that offers free access to its exhibitions, facilities and activities until the 7th of September. The Juan March Foundation hosts the exhibition Artists’ (Books and Other Publications), 1947-2013, with notebooks and books with scribbles of artists who are in vogue, such as Julio Cortázar.

And, of course, among what’s free to do in Madrid there is always a special place on Sunday mornings for El Rastro, located in our district. We are the hotel that is closest to El Rastro, as all you need to do is enjoy a 20-minute walk to get there.

Categories: Madrid Ocio, Madrid Turismo

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