
Tutankhamun: the tomb and its treasures at IFEMA

By | 20 August, 2020 | 0 comments

You can now travel to Egypt without leaving Madrid and with all the health and safety measures in place. The exhibition Tutankhamun: the tomb and its treasures has been open since 16th July.

This exhibition, for lovers of Egyptian history and culture, is held in space 5.1 of IFEMA and is a great opportunity to get closer to the archaeological discoveries of burial chambers and treasures made by Howard Carter in 1922.

This archaeologist, who was already very well-known at the time, marked a milestone for the world of archaeology with this discovery and generated great interest in society at that time, during the so-called Roaring 20s.


The society of the 2020s – still to be named, we will have to see how events unfold – will be able to enjoy and take a trip back in time through all the items that have been recovered from this figure.

Tutankhamun came to the throne at the age of 9 in 1332 BC and was one of the last kings of the 18th Dynasty, whose legacy was to relax the religious harshness his father had imposed during his reign.

The youngster lived for only nine more years, with a death that is still unknown but is attributed to an infectious disease.

Today, thanks to this tour, visitors can learn more about this great discovery throughout the different moments of the excavation as well as the 1,000 pieces that are part of the treasures.

The exhibition has an interactive web page where users can get a preview of everything that can be found there and how it is distributed over the spaces and can also access illustrative and explanatory videos.

Categories: Madrid Cultura