
The Fiestas del Pilar: from Zaragoza to Madrid

By | 7 October, 2019 | 0 comments

This time round, the first long weekend will have to wait until December because the Almudena, the day of the patron saint of the city of Madrid, also falls on Saturday. The same occurs with the first holiday once the schools reopen: the 12th of October.
Specifically, the 12th October falls on a Saturday this year. This is the date on which the feast day of the Virgin of Pilar, the patron saint of Spain, is celebrated, as well as Hispanic Day, remembering when Christopher Columbus’ ships discovered the new world, setting foot on an island in the archipelago of the Bahamas.saragossa-599648_1280
But in this post we’re not going to focus on history but rather on the Virgin of Pilar, and in particular her feast days. In addition to being the patron saint of Spain, she is also the patron saint of Zaragoza, a city not far from Madrid to which you may wish to enjoy a visit so that you can experience its most important days first hand, discover its Basilica and take home a commemorative ribbon – a souvenir that has long been popular in these parts and that adorns many a car.
It’s not just Zaragoza that’s celebrating its feast day. Those who prefer to stay in the city, however, can also enjoy the particular festivities that are held in the Barrio del Pilar.
This neighbourhood, some distance from the centre, is decorated every year at around this time of year, in order to observe its most popular feast days and welcome all people from Madrid who wish to attend them. Concerts, workshops, attractions, bars, food stalls and an endless number of activities for all audiences fill the streets of this area around the Vaguada, one of the first shopping centres to be created in the city.
It’s a great opportunity to do something different and enjoy the city. A full schedule of events can be seen here.

Categories: Madrid Ocio