
Return to school and Kiss and Go

By | 15 September, 2018 | 0 comments

Madrid wakes up from its summer dream slowly. Its roads start to fill with cars and the metro starts to look like a sardine tin once again during rush hour. It’s time to go back to school.MADRID_STARS

It is the return to school that many were waiting for after having spent the first few weeks of summer putting their children in urban and rural camps and camps of all kinds just to keep them entertained.

In early September, many schools have already reopened and they appear on TV with children who are excited to go back and others who aren’t as much and who would rather prefer to stay at home playing without having to get up early or do anything else.

Traffic jams in front of schools don’t just occur in Madrid, it’s something which happens in most cities although in those which aren’t as big, distances can be covered by public transport or on foot.

This is why Madrid has to come up with initiatives to prevent these traffic jams in front of schools, initiatives which are safe for children due to the difficulty some of them have in just reaching the pavement from their car.

Kiss and Go is an action which wants to bring all traffic jams to an end whilst fostering road safety and child responsibility. It has implemented stops in the different schools which make up the STARS network (Sustainable Travel Accreditation and Recognition for Schools), which strives to make school routes safe. Once in these safe routes, the children can kiss their parents goodbye and walk to school in a group accompanied by a supervisor, ready to start a new school year.

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